Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Independence Day: Let’s Do it…!

Let’s Do it…!

15th August… Independence Day…

Every year it comes, every year we Indians celebrate it with great joy...
Every year we attend flag hoisting ceremonies across the nation, sing patriotic songs, our hearts fill with proud to the tune of the National Anthem… (We are supposed to do so!)
Every year we listen to the speeches by our Leaders
Every year we discuss about the success and failure of our Nation

And every year my Granny says to me that I can’t know the true meaning of Independence which she does.
She is right. I can’t. Because I was born in a free India. But I know she does know its meaning. Because she knows the hardships of the Foreign Rule.

Then what is the meaning of independence? Dictionary says, ‘freedom from control or influence of another or others.’
But it is not as simple as that.
Independence is not mere political no dependence or freedom of belief, faith, or expression or other such civil rights.
In a much deeper sense it stands for ‘Self-Dependence’. It stands for ‘Self-Realization’. It stands for freedom from all tribulations. It stands for a profound peace, harmony, unity and sovereignty.

Really, being free is not enough. When I came to understand that I realized that a lot has been done already yet there is so much to do.
The world community knows India as a ‘Sleeping Giant’. The tragedy is that The Giant has remained into deep sleep for a long time. Our powers are not fully utilized- the result of negligence of the well educated Indians. For how much more we can afford to continue in the same manner?

Six decades ago, on the same day, in his famous speech from the Lal Killah, our first Prime Minister talked of the completion of a Tryst with Destiny. But along with many thousands of Indians, he knew that we were signing a new Tryst with the Destiny of Our Country. That ‘Tryst’ is still to be accomplished…

The time has come now. Let’s all rise to the occasion.

Our Honourable President Kalam has already shown us the way.

Let’s engrave into ourselves a vision for India 2020.
Let’s Dream. Let’s dream bigger. Let’s try our best to fulfil those dreams. Let’s make them into a reality.
Whatever we do, let’s do it for the Nation. Such small contributions will not only prosper our Nation but they will also give us a sense of satisfaction.

There is a long way to go and the problems are increased. Still we can do it, we ought to do it.
We ought to do it if we want to live in a more powerful India, independent of all evils like illiteracy, malnutrition, unsanitary living conditions, poverty, unemployment and most importantly, corruption.

And I believe we can do it. Because I believe in the powers of Dreams. Because I believe in our powers to alter the future. And because I believe in ‘We the People of India’

Let's begin......


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