Monday, August 14, 2006

What Indians say about India...

Here is what some of the Indians have said about India...

“I do not want my home to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want cultures of all lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to e blown off my feet by any.”
- M K Gandhi.

“Freedom can never be had by begging. It has to be got by force. Its price is blood. We will not beg freedom from any foreign country. We shall achieve freedom by paying its price.”
- Subhash Chandra Bose

“Even if I die for the service of the nation, I shall be proud of it. Every drop of blood, I am sure, will contribute to the growth of this nation and make it strong and dynamic.”
-Indira Gandhi

“We must realize that if we have to take our due place in the committee of nations, it will not come to us for asking, but we shall have to strain every nerve for it”
- Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.


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